Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What the hook gonna be?

I dont need no fuckin hook on this

Babygirl's snoring behind Hella tired rite now, getting used to it though. Today was funny, Colin and Spittah good talk. I think Colin is the only guy I've EVER met that knows what he's doing in the industry, what I cant fathom is...what is he doing is Grand Rapids, MI...good for me, bad for him..whatever. Closing in on the show on the 23rd..still a huge maybe. Laid some background vocals for Spittah, no recording for my project yet..whatever. My dude Peez hit me up for a collab, big ups to him and Freck(Fab whats good?)..OMG I've never been so deprived of beats in my life..I need to write something new...NEED MUSIC ::starts foaming at the mouth, and shaking violently::...okay, im good.

Ever wonder why I use so many ellipses(ellipses = ...) in my posts..::whispers:: Im literally writing my thoughts, in all its randomness...whatever, its my blog. IYDLI = BLOW ME!!
btw IYDLI=If You Dont Like It

been on twitter alot lately, especially when Im hella bored. Like now.

Sometimes I wonder as I listen to guys in the industry with deals/budgets/promotion/marketing/etc., am I that good....or is everyone not working that hard?? Sounds cocky, but its not, sort of. Its really a serious inquiry..

Somebody get back to me with that answer..

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