Sunday, October 25, 2009

my SUPER-sized with extra cheese..

ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS EVER!!!!! incredible video, i had no choice but to post it.. that im gonna dedicate to.....her. ;)

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Realistic = Mediocre

I've never heard such powerful words come from any being on this planet. This had me more than moved and made me respect Will to an even higher level. A recurring term that he brings up is the universe, and its powers. He and I are both students of the universe, trying to obtain knowledge from every living being, thing and idea. but i've never thought of the idea that the universe can get in your way... very interesting. in a sense when you feel your back is against the wall it is like your fighting against all opposition, or the powers that be(the universe), but instead of REacting to all the opposing forces against you, you instead CHOOSE to ACT first.. Which presents the idea of CHOOSING your destiny... very interesting. The simple idealogy of choosing one's destiny, can simply be categorized as unrealistic or unrealistic thinking.. but what exactly is unrealistic thinking?? believing that you can accomplish the goal you set out for yourself from childhood, is that unrealistic?? is believing that you can achieve the life your heroes live unrealistic?? or is that setting boundaries for yourself, thus making you, by the universe's standards, realistic or normal??

yea.. i thought my first post in a while should really show how deep a nigga is.. lol.

personally im tired of people continuously telling me to think realistically, or set realistic goals.. because in my heart of hearts, i believe my goals are realistic and can be accomplished to the fullest degree.. so, we'll see.. ;]

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"plan b is only a distraction from plan a" -Will Smith

Friday, October 2, 2009

ok.. iight.. my bad.. i've been neglecting you and i apologize, but i got some big shit bubblin.. atleast now since im mobile i'll be updating alot more often..
so.. will this be mt first mobile post?? hope so..